
Installation (video, skater, lettring), 2013
– live together ( (Greek) sum ( together ) / bio ( live ) ).This term comes from biology and signifies a relationship / constant and specific association between two livings being which cannot live without each other, each earning vital benefit from this association.In my installation, skateboarders play through the city of Tokyo and move as they wish, as they want, on the landscape.Symbiosis is a natural phenomenon. It is not forced, neither a system of top down, but a system of equality of sharing. I think every cities have a different unique energy, because of their differences geographical reasons, of their politics, and also the people who live there.
The action of skater symbolize that not just the city(country) have a impact to inhabitant(the citizen), but also inhabitant can act to the city, to create together a new entity.

“The situation is under control”
installation, 2014

“Your answer is not in your dictionary”
video, 2015
“Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.”
Language is a fundamental element to communicate between humans. When we can’t understand another langue, we try to imagine what does means by the context of yourself. Also, we can translate one language into another language, but the nuance can be changed from an origin and some time we can’t find a word exactly same. Each language have an own expression and sometimes it link a culture or costum of the country. Glad to these differences, cultures are rich and can have diversities. In this video work, we present a moment of the imagination and the differences are born.

“please be careful of closing doors”
Video, Salaryman series
02:42, 2014-2015
I had taken a train every day for commuting to school during 10 years, since junior high school until the end of the university. The rhythm of the person who go to the work was there, and it imprinted in my memory. Every salaryman’s faces are presented in anonymous way in this video. When we can’t see something, we try to imagine the visual to complement. Sartre defines the ‘analogon’ as a “material object used for the manifestation of the imaged object.”
So I presented their face as an analogon, not to just present their anonymous, but to let to imagine all the individuality of salarymans in rush hours.

Video, 6minutes,2013
Un journal Japonais a publié un article en janvier 2011 sur le phénomène « Date mask » (=masque de façade).
Après une enquête publique, les participants ont répondu qu’ils ne portent pas uniquement des masques d’hygiène pour éviter d’attraper un virus ou se protéger d’allergies, mais aussi pour une raison plus intime : se cacher
des autres gens et rester anonyme. La norme de la société japonaise se base sur beaucoup de formalité et présente par essence un certain anonymat. Le sentiment collectif pèse t’il trop sur l’individu? Demande t’il trop par rapport à la nature humaine? La vie quotidienne impose un comportement qui tend vers une forme de normalité mais elle crée aussi du stress et de l’anxiété. Les individus portent un masque pour fuir dans ce monde. Mais cette fuite protège t’elle de la folie ou plutôt est elle propice au dérapage …?

video 2015

“Ubi Sunt”

“the setting sun”
photography, Salaryman series

“what time is it” , series of photography

“study case of salaryman”
Salaryman series
« Welcome to the Japanese society »
Costume sur toile,2012
« Hide To Connect »
Installation Participative, 2014
). « Hide To Connect » est une installation participative. Les visiteurs peuvent porter « le masque de masque » et devenir « anonymes » afin de discuter les uns avec les autres.
Trip ro B side
Installation vidéo, collaboration avec MonkeyBird à l’école 42, 2016